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Time Management for High Performance Talent Acquisition

A recruiter's prime directive is to identify and secure fresh hires of the highest quality. In the pursuit of this objective, many nicely coordinated processes and processes need to be performed with high levels of detail orientation. Although these jobs are done sequentially, the sensible recruiter will find ways to prioritize these actions in a manner that will bring about the seamless and expeditious closure of one task leading to the next until the desired candidate has approved their offer and arrived on their start date for work.

Additionally, intertwined with the recruitment process are the many stakeholder relationships that are also intimately involved with the final new hire's successful selection. Here again, a recruiter's judgment and confidence makes a world of difference in managing these complex relationships. The more organizational savvy and leadership the recruiter projects, the greater the trust, credibility and rapport will be achieved. Here you can read about Best Motivational Speakers and Sales Training Programs

Summarizing recruitment process flow activities involved in the corporate hiring life-cycle, we have the following:

Understanding the job position's requirements and function in the organization 
Managing relationship with Hiring Manager via pre-hire intake interacting with 
Posting requisitions 
Sourcing Candidates 
Assessing resumes and short listing prescreened viable candidates to hiring manager 
Managing relationship with HR Local community ( HR Business Partners Compensation specialists etc,) 
scheduling candidate interviews 
Managing external vendors and Suppliers 
Manage the Interview process 
Facilitate Candidate debrief after interviews 
Manage final candidate selection and identification process 
Manage internal Talent pool 
Manage external candidate pool 
Manage the responses loop with stakeholder, in as close to real time as possible 
Prepare final offer payment analysis in order to present offer to the candidate 
Secure appropriate exception approvals if required 
Negotiate offer terms with candidate 
Present verbal offer 
Send out actual offer letter 
Check reference, begin background check contingencies 
Once background contingencies clear inform new hire accordingly. 
Ensure fresh hires welcome materials are sent prior to physical onsite start day.

The Secret to maximizing time management is to reverse engineer the offer acceptance process by focusing on the most productive activity at every given moment that leads to accelerating the candidate acceptance rate.

For example, if given the choice between scheduling interviews or preparing an offer letter, prepare the offer letter first, since that is closer to an acceptance than the scheduling would be.

I would recommend the daily planning exercise take place the night before the next day's planned exercise. Each night draw up a list of your requisition load position. As you do, you will start to get a grasp on the transactions which can be ranked when it comes to their priority. Using a day planner or equivalent calendar checklist, map out which calls to make first, which emails should be sent in specific order based on urgency and be mindful of how your time is being spent. I would prioritize the activities in "bundles" of 5, and once those are completed look after less critical actions so that they also are completed in a timely manner.

The better you can plan and prioritize your activity based on where that particular activity sits in the staffing process continuum, the better your time management skills will improve.

Once this habit is ingrained, You will feel a sense of accomplishment as your jobs are completed in rapid fire fashion with zero defects by being thorough and meticulous in your planning

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